Fertilizer & Weed Control
We provide lawn care programs using the highest quality products and equipment to give the best results for your lawn!
We will typically visit your lawn every 6-8 weeks during the growing season to treat. Before each visit we will walk the property to do a check up on current conditions. After every application we will leave a sign letting you know we've visited. If we noticed anything that needs addressed we'll make note and reach out to let you know our suggestions!
Every lawn has different needs, we will come visit your lawn during for our Free estimate to determine if our two programs will be sufficient. If not, we can custom tailor a program to address any needs!
Below are our two main programs that give your lawn the nutrients and maintenance to help keep your lawn healthy and a place you can enjoy!
6 Step Fertilizer and Weed Control Program
- Pre-emergent fertilizer(crabgrass control)
Applied in late March/early April. This fertilizer helps feed your lawn after winter dormancy, and also adds down the first barrier of protection against summer annual weeds like crab grass.
2. Pre-emergent fertilizer(crabgrass control)
Applied middle of May/Late May. This Fertilizer helps feed your lawn and adds another barrier of protection against summer annual weeds.
3. Broadleaf weed Control (weed spray)
Applied in spring. This Weed control will eliminate Dandelions, Clover, and over 100 other broadleaf type weeds.
4. Summer fertilizer
Applied Late june/Early July. This fertilizer feeds your lawn during the Hot summer months.
5. Late summer/Early Fall Fertilizer
Applied Early September. This fertilizer feeds your lawn after the stresses of the summer heat, promotes root growth along with color.
6. Winterizer Fertilizer
Applied in late October. This Fertilizer will provide nutrients to the turf to get through the dormant months, and for a faster green up the following spring.
Premium Lawn Care program
- Pre-emergent fertilizer(crabgrass control)
Applied in late March/early April. This fertilizer helps feed your lawn after winter dormancy, and also adds down the first barrier of protection against summer annual weeds like crab grass.
2. Pre-emergent fertilizer(crabgrass control)
Applied middle of May/Late May. This Fertilizer helps feed your lawn and adds another barrier of protection against summer annual weeds.
3. Broadleaf weed Control (weed spray)
Applied in spring. This Weed control will eliminate Dandelions, Clover, and over 100 other broadleaf type weeds.
4. Summer fertilizer + Insect control + weed control
Applied Late june/Early July. This fertilizer feeds your lawn during the summer months. A Insect control helps prevent lawn damaging insects like Grubs and Army worms. Well Spot spray any weeds as well.
5. Late summer/Early Fall Fertilizer + weed control
Applied Early September. This fertilizer feeds your lawn after the stresses of the summer heat, promotes root growth along with color. Also Spot spray any weeds we see.
6. Core Aeration
This is done during the fall months. A mechanical way to improve and encourage a healthy Lawn. By pulling plugs, or cores, it helps reduce compaction of the soil. This helps water, nutrients to penetrate deeper into the soil, encouraging deeper root growth and thicker turf. Also makes for a great time to overseed your lawn.
7. Winterizer Fertilizer
Applied in late October. This Fertilizer will provide nutrients to the turf to get through the dormant months, and for a faster green up the following spring.